The Selling of Style

Just my take on some one's take.....

Great article....please take a moment and read it and my remarks.  Leave a comment and tell us what you think.

I would guess that Ree Drummond started out living the life portrayed on her blog, cooking show and in her books. However, after such success I would bet her lifestyle is somewhat different now. How could it NOT be? Book signings, filming... TV shows, writing and then there are the four children, husband, family and a ranch....oh yeah let's don't forget about the photography. I hope she is at least as happy now a back in the day. Or Happier!

But, I do agree with Ms. Chang we (the public) are buying lifestyles that probably very few actually live....but haven't we always? Movies, TV, Books, Blogs etc. they all take us to a place we want to be and that is usually not where we are currently. IE....sitting at the kitchen table looking at that sink full of dishes, knowing the dish washer is full of clean dishes that must be put away before the dirty dishes can be loaded. So....back to my Real Life....the photo shoot and make up artist are waiting on me to finish my ruminations. Yo....where are my people, People????
I love the Pioneer Woman.


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